Message from our Program Director
Welcome to the Henry Ford Health Providence Family Medicine Residency!
Our mission is to create an excellent educational experience in a nurturing environment while providing quality comprehensive care for all of our patients.
Our program has been designated with Osteopathic Recognition by the ACGME’s Osteopathic Principles Committee (formally a dual accredited program) and we proudly have 12 osteopathic residents currently in training.
Highlights of the program include population health/advanced practice models in CPC+2, diverse patients, integrated behavioral care, quality improvement processes, underserved-community focus, osteopathic recognition, family-centered maternity care, sports medicine and international rotation electives.
Please contact us with any questions. We hope to welcome you soon!
Teniesha N. Wright-Jones, DO, FACOFP
Program Director, Family Medicine Residency Henry Ford Health Providence Hospital
NRMP Program
Code 1303120C0
Contact Us
For Prospective Residency Applicants

Maura Mahoney
Residency Program Coordinator
16001 W Nine Mile Rd
Southfield, MI 48075
Tel: 248-849-3447
Email: maura.mahoney@ascension.org